[REC]⁴ Apocalypse

2014 "It’s time to leave."
5.3| 1h35m| R| en

Ángela Vidal, the young television reporter who entered the building with the firemen, manages to make it out alive. But what the soldiers don't know is that she carries the seed of the strange infection. She is to be taken to a provisional quarantine facility, a high-security installation where she will have to stay in isolation for several days. An old oil tanker, miles off shore and surrounded by water on all sides, has been especially equipped for the quarantine.


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AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
KineticSeoul Now I really found the reporter and the protagonist of the first "REC" to be really annoying and just ticked me off. And I couldn't buy her trying to be a badass in this movie. But what I really couldn't buy was the fact that one of the character in this movie is actually a fan of hers. Compared to "REC" 1 and 2 this is the weakest one, despite it probably having a bigger budget. Let's just pretend that "REC 3: Genesis" didn't happen. So after that female reporter gets rescued and is on a confines of a ship things start to go haywire when the crew start turning into demon zombies. It's like they took out the build up of the first two "REC" movies and tried to make a new zombie flick. The found footage aspect of the first two "REC" movies. Where it takes place in first person view has been taken out of the equation. For a more generic direction with predictable twists and boring premise. It's like the director didn't have any new ideas but just tried to tackle this project to finish off the story. When it comes down to it, it's a very formulaic zombie flick that takes place on a ship. It's actually quite a disappointment when the first two films in this franchise actually stood out.5.5/10
westsideschl Unimaginative - just borrowed (stole?) the same old formula of scientists trying to isolate virus (or other nasty) that infects people turning them into zombies. The true zombies are the ones hooked on this time-worn, now thread bare, setup. Virus turns out to be a surprisingly very accurate rendition of a common worm only bigger and of course is disgustingly swallowed by the host. Of course you've got everyone isolated (only this time it's a ship) and there's a few military types to supply action and weapons. What good is a zombie without lots of firepower to showcase red dyed corn syrup. Really cheaply made; really poor acting; unbelievable storyline. The best part of the movie, and it's always true with cheap productions, is the DVD cover which almost always will give a false, but sellable, impression. The unimaginative one or two survive as well as, left in doubt (albeit small doubt), the worm. By the way didn't the writers ever finish middle school and learn that worms die in water (more so in salt water) which is why you see them escaping during rains. Thank the gods for Redbox - I'm only out a couple of dollars.
Hellmant 'REC 4: APOCALYPSE': Four Stars (Out of Five)The fourth (and supposedly final) installment in the popular Spanish horror franchise 'REC'. Jaume Balaguero, who directed the first two films, returns to direct and co-write this movie; along with Manu Diez (who also co-wrote 'REC 2'). Manuela Velasco also reprises her role, from the first two films, as Ángela Vidal; a reporter still trying to survive a deadly virus infection, that turns people into violent zombielike killers. The story picks up right where the second film left off, and takes place on a boat; where scientists are trying to learn more about the deadly sickness. It also stars Paco Manzanedo, Ismael Fritschi, Críspulo Cabezas and Héctor Colomé. I found it to be a very effective (and well made) entry, in the low-budget zombie apocalypse genre.The film begins with Ángela (Velasco), being rescued by a swat team; in the virus infected apartment complex (where the last film ended). She then wakes up on an oil tanker, miles away, where a doctor (Paco Obregón) is performing tests on her; and she has no memory of recent events. She later meets a GEO, named Guzman (Manzanedo), while trying to escape the facility she's being held in. She also meets Doctor Ricarte (Colomé); who assures her, and others, that Ángela isn't infected. Things take a turn for the worse, anyway, when an infected monkey escapes it's confinements; and everyone starts turning into zombies. It's a viscous fight for survival once again. I haven't seen the first two movies, in the series, I did see the American remake ('QUARANTINE') and the third installment though. So I'm not as familiar with the franchise, obviously, as hardcore fans are, but I still really enjoyed this film. It's just really well made, it looks great, the directing and acting both seem more than adequate and it's just a really entertaining horror flick! I can't compare it to the first two movies, obviously, but I do remember I really enjoyed the third film, as well though. Just as a stand- alone zombie flick, I think it's really well done.Watch our movie review show at: https://youtu.be/BpWXjqkP56w
LEDBluray The first 2 films were great not only because of the great acting and overall great atmosphere, but also because it was 100% found footage... you only saw what was recorded by the characters camera and it made the movies much more suspenseful because it felt more real because it was fully committed to the found footage style. And unfortunately REC 4 does the same thing that put me off about the 3rd one (among other things), and that is that it is not entirely found footage. Actually like 80% of the movie is normal shoots filmed professionally in good looking angles. There are SO many horror films and REC removed the one thing that, in my opinion, gave it a unique feel and look to it... Overall You are better off ending with the 2nd film. Both REC 1 and REC 2 are tied together wonderfully, and bot are scary and suspenseful.